Sunday, October 18, 2009

WTF?: Oklahoma City Laughter Yoga Club

Somebody sent me the below notice. Could be fun to go just to see what kind of people show up.

What is laughter yoga? I'll let John Cleese tell you:

Benefits of Laughter Yoga with John Cleese

Oklahoma City Laughter Club

We've moved the laughter inside 3030 NW Expressway. Thanks to Aveda Image Crafters Salon for sponsoring the OKC Laughter Club so that the meetings can still be free to everyone who attends.What: Free OKC Laughter Club meeting. Be prepared to laugh.When: 6pm-6:30pm on Fridays.Who: You! Meetings led by Laughter Yoga Teacher Christopher SlaterWhere: 3030 NW Expressway (across the hall from Suite LL26.)How to get there: Enter the service road from NW Expressway. Use the second entrance, the one right before the Hampton Inn entrance. Parking will be on your left. After exiting your car, walk south past the car gate and then turn right around the corner. Enter the double doors. The meeting room is down the first hallway on the left.

Restrooms are available.IMPORTANT! Be there on time because security may lock the doors after 6pm

Thursday, October 15, 2009 is a Great Service!

You may have noticed the small sitemeter icon that appears in my blog. is a great service - even the free account, which is what mine is (why buy the cow when you get the milk for free.)
It will give you amazing statistics about your website and detailed information about how people found it. For instance:
Referring URL
Search Engine
Search Words
"brainworms" "kissimmee"
This snippet from sitemeter shows that this blog visitor found my blog by searching Google for "brainworms" "kissimmee". Then they clicked on that Google result and went to my blog.
Sitemeter is pretty damn good - especially considering it's free!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Some Interesting Words Seen on

If you like words and want to find new ones that are interesting and strange, is a great source. Took a look today and found these:

tumblehome: The inward curve of a ship's topsides.

medusahead: A grass (Taeniatherum caput-medusae) with long bristly awns that is native to Europe and has become naturalized in western North America.

punditocracy: A group of pundits who wield great political influence.

micromicro: One-trillionth.

What's even more interesting is seeing what words Google considers "real" words (and thus legal for making googlewhacks) and what words aren't legit. For instance, "biologists" isn't in the Google dictionary, but "scuzzbuckets" is.

It appears that something needs some tweaking.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Easiest Word to Form Googlewhcks

It's got to be "protohumen". It whacks with scads of common words. In fact, if you try to join it with too weird a word it often ends up being a word list and the googlewhack won't be allowed on Two googlewhacks I found easily found today: psycho protohumen and protohumen listings.