Saturday, May 24, 2008

You Never Heard of a Googlewhack?

Well if you like puzzles, try making up a valid one and get it validated at !

"Your goal: find that elusive query (two words - no quote marks) with a single, solitary result!"

An example I created:

astrogates juxtaposition Bill Gates cranial-anal juxtaposition Whackmaster ß

Want a challenge?: come up with a valid whack that has either "viagra" or "sevrugas" as one of the two words. Viagra is hard (no double entendre intended) because Google finds over 2,810,000 English pages with that word.

On the other hand, there are only 580 English pages for sevrugas. If so, what makes it so difficult to find a whack with it? -- try it and you will soon find out!!! I only managed to come up with the feeble:

erisa sevrugas

It ain't f'ing easy! But once you catch on to the tricks, you will be whacking regulary in no time at all. The fun is in trying to come up with creative whacks, not just two rare words that make no sense. A few of my recent better whacks:

astrogeological stoner
enrooted frankenfood
dancegoing balletomanes Just love a girl in a tight tutu
iconolatric puncture Well that sure blows a hole in my theory
encliticize democrats Hang a clit on one and let 'em pull in mucho votes
potus sinkerball Clinton stays in & the superdelegates overturn the primaries
cabinet nonproductives What do you call all the friends that Obama will appoint?
fugliest mofongo Damn, she is the fugliest mofongo I have ever seen!!!
viagra nanofabrications Gee, it makes it harder, but it doesn't make it any bigger!
viagra suprabulge 00======================================> also rans:

bigwig mofongos
foxx splitsvilles
mine astrogeologically
builderer catacomb And the epitath on the tombstone is: [ g = 32 ft/s²]
iconolatric clinton Who will I vote for ? I kinda' like that Clinton chick
[Get it? -- i kind of like that. Insert groan here]

viagra sexennials Viagra allows you to have sex in any holes
builderer equations F = mg, g = 32 ft/s², d=.5gt²
spacefarer riesling Out of this world varietal with a dilithium bouquet
zionistic whoremasters (no political comment intended)

..and examples of my lame ones:

astrogeological incas
enrooted zygodactyls
trna maidhoods
biopirate citalopram

You may think all you have to do is pick two obscure words, but it ain't that easy -- Both words have to appear in Google's dictionary. As you can see from the above examples, this can vary wildly in both directions: bogus words that are somehow valid and perfectly good words that are not.

And it's fun to use googlewhacks to send little notes to your friends:

stoner zebroids This is for you, Rusty Stonezebra of Oklahoma City
[Her last name really is Stonezebra, no foolin']

Go give it a try -- but be prepared to have your keyboard suck out your life through your fingertips.