Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Guess Nobody Wants Free Googlewhacks

Nobody seems to want the unused googlewhacks I posted previously. My ban has been lifted on so I field tested two of them - POWERWALKING PHALLO and IRONWOMAN FUKIEN - and they worked just fine.


[thanks Gary Stock for lifting my ban: you certainly are a very tolerent man! - or else you have realized it's a greater punishnment to let me whack :-)]


A life??? - where can I download that???

Get Other People to Find Googlewhacks for You!

You may have heard of crowdsourcing. Wikipedia describes it as:
"Crowdsourcing is a neologism for the act of taking tasks traditionally performed by an employee or contractor, and outsourcing it to an undefined, generally large group of people or community in the form of an open call."

Well today it occurred to me you can easily get other people to unknowingly find googlewhacks for you that they are unable to use themselves. Here's how it could be done:
1. Set up a blog such as this one where you have lots and lots of little-used words.
2. When people search for googlewhacks that have two Google search results and one of them is your blog, they can't post them to because they aren't googlewhacks - YET!
3. If you sign up for a service such as, it tells you what Google search lead them to your blog. Example from this blog:
Referring URL:
Search Engine:
Search Words: cnut counterintuitions
Visit Entry Page:
4. Perform the search yourself and see if it produces two results. If it does, you can turn it into a valid googlewhack be editing your blog post and deleting one of those words. When Google re-indexes your page, it will now be a valid googlewhack. You could wait till a lot of such semi-googlewhacks collect over time and then delete all of those words.
5. Post the good ones on
Here's a real example taken from today, Sept 30, 2009, about 1:00pm CDT:
789. spoilsport takeunder +speakeasy +tightlippedness stopped by Bill bloody Gronos blog. paul. Belfast
Paul, I'm sorry my blog killed your clever googlewhack. Whoever "paul, Belfast" is, he's the cleverest, funniest and one of the most prolific posters on Here are just a few of his recent ones:
79. doctorspeaks tome But he refuses to speak to you. Goodnight, all. paul. Belfast
80. overassesses zurich Thanks, lgb, I shall have my chalet relocated to Botswana. paul. Belfast 84. sterilizes preteenagers Evil ideas? Me? Never. (Hi there, Ghost & ralph) paul. Belfast
109. semiglossy zooplankton This is, like, the worst zoo I've ever seen. paul. Belfast
144. afterhearing cockcrows Is it morning already? paul. Belfast
149. torn pettislips It's goodnight from me. Bye. paul. Belfast
171. liposuctioning waitron It pays to suck up to the staff. (Thanks, ralph) paul. Belfast
Again, I say categorically I have never collected other peoples googlewhacks. But I wonder if someone else has? Whenever I get a new idea, I always think that someone else probably already thought of it too.

Friday, September 25, 2009

More Googlewhacks You Can Post

Below are some more googlewhacks ready to post on I've disguised them from the google spiders by prefixing the words with the letter z. So just remove the z from in front of each word and go post them on If you use google search to test them, YOU MUST PUT A PLUS SIGN (+) BEFORE EACH OF THE TWO WORDS:.

Zpowerwalking Zphallo (Suggested phrase to post with this: The Ron Jeremy workout)
Zfukien Zironwoman
Zbildungsromen Zlackeys
[Note: on Sept 30, 2009 I posted the above three googlewhacks to; they worked just fine.]

Zphallo Zcompradors (I'll show you mine if you show me yours)
Zphallo Zfrenchification (The French need to get some balls)
Zfukien Zoholic

Have fun coming up with humorous phrases that fit the words!

Oh, and be sure to click the final submit button very quickly several times so you can stack them multiple times and make your googewhacks more prominent.

Who Would Like to Post This Great Googlewhack, fukien oholic, to

Having trouble coming up with a googlewhack? Here's a great on, gratis. But you'd better post it quick before someone else reading this blog beats you to it:

fukien oholic

Yup, hard to believe that it is googlewhack legal.

Pretty good huh? And it is legal. It only gives the required one google result when I searched it (if you search it on google, be sure to search it as +fukien +oholic else google will stem it into other words). The only way to fully test it is for me to post it on, which would then prohibit anyone else from using it.

On you are allowed to post your name or alias, plus you can input a phrase. I'm sure you can come up with a great phrase that suits this googlewhack. If not, here is a suggestion:

That Bill Clinton [or man/woman/name of your choice] is a sex addicted whore.

Your name as poster will be added to the whack stack and you can have your 15 microseconds of fame.

Have fun!

Monday, September 21, 2009

What Words Are Being Used On

Below are words that are being used lately to form legal googlewhacks that are different from the words used around last April 2009. It's interesting to see the changing trends. It would be great to know which words have never been used before. I contacted the sysop of the site, Gary Stock, and offered to compute statistics on googlewhack word usage. He refuses to release the complete list of 600,000+ googlewhacks and treats it like it was atomic bomb secrets.

It's still quite easy to find legal googlewhacks, but not anywhere near as easy as it was just a few years ago.

Many of these words are damn interesting. I particularly liked booboisie: "A class of people regarded as stupid and gullible." It's pronouced in the manner of bourgeoisie: būb'wä-zē'.

Googlewhack legal is boychik. but not boytoy or girlyman. Also legal is christmasy, likewise frenchification. Must confess, I never heard of gubernaculum before.

haruspex (plural haruspices) is a man trained to practice haruspicy.

You might think pythoness is a female python, but it's a priestess of Apollo at Delphi. (BTW: I hope nobody thinks prowess is the wooden figure on the bow of a boat).

It was interesting to see that though all of these words are legal according to Google, many of them get flagged by this blogging site's spell checker.

Enjoy the list.

abnormalities, abolishing, absenteeisms, absolutive, absolutives, absurdism, abutments, acarophobic, accenting, acorn, acorns, acoustooptically, activewear, acumen, acupunctured, addams, addlepated, adman, adopter, adore, advancements, adwomen, aerodynamically, affricative, aforetime, africanizing, afterclap, afterclaps, afterimpression, afternoons, afterpains, afterperception, afterschool, afterschools, aftersound, agamemnon, agitprops, agnail, agroforesties, agroforestry, alchemical, alewives, algorismic, alpine, americanizing, amours, anagrams, angeleno, angelenos, animatronic, ankylosaurus, anorgasmy, anosmia, anted, antichrists, antiheliums, antisense, apartheids, apostrophes, apparatchiks, archconservative, archliberal, areola, arkansan, armpit, arrhythmogenic, arses, askance, aspic, assents, astonished, astrogates, astrogeological, astrogeologically, athwart, athwartships, atomization, atonally, atrabilious, avocet, awestricken, axelrod, babier, babyproofed, babysit, backdated, backpressure, backpressures, backslid, backsplashes, backstabber, backswimmer, badasses, bagels, bagman, bailout, bakers, balanitis, baldheaded, balzac, banalities, banff, banger, bantamweight, banzais, barak, barrack, barracking, basilisk, basolateral, batgirls, batophobic, batsmen, battalions, beanos, beaucoos, beautybush, beaverton, bechuanaland, beck, beckoning, beefalo, beefeater, beefeaters, beefs, beekeeping, befools, begrudging, behalf, behalfs, behemoths, belfast, believer, belittle, benchmark, bents, bespattered, bested, bettor, betweenbrain, beverages, bibliolatry, bibliomania, bier, bifocals, bifurcates, bikinied, billings, billstickers, bimbos, biopics, bioteches, bipeds, bipolarity, birds, birthrights, bismarck, bitching, blackamoors, blackface, blacking, blackmun, blackstrap, bladder, blissful, bloatware, blogging, bloodletting, bloviate, bloviation, blowbacks, blowouts, blunderbusses, boaters, boink, bologna, bombardiers, booboisie, boos, boraxes, borg, bottommost, bouncier, bowerbird, bowwow, boychiks, braincases, brains, brainwashes, brandishing, brazenness, brea, breakfasted, breathlessness, brigantine, brinksmanship, britisher, bromides, brotherhood, brownnoser, bubbas, buccaneering, buckjumping, buckos, bugling, builddowns, bulge, bullshitted, bunkmate, bunkum, bunyanesque, burgeoned, burked, burnishing, burnout, burnouts, bush, bushy, busloads, bust, busybodies, butterballs, butterfingers, butterflying, butteriness, butthead, buttinskies, button, buzzcut, cakes, campbell, canada, canapes, cannabis, cannonades, canuck, captaincy, carapace, carpetbagging, castigating, castrato, castroist, casualwear, cataractogenic, catatonic, catgut, caucasoid, causer, cdna, ceausescu, ceding, celt, ceylonese, changeable, charming, chassidic, chatterbox, chicagoan, childproofs, chilidogs, chillier, chimichurris, chippies, chlamys, chomped, chopper, chosens, christmasy, chromosomal, chronologies, chrysalids, chuckwalla, chukkers, chummiest, chummy, churchgoers, cinc, circularization, circumlocution, citalopram, clairvoyance, clarifier, clearwater, cliched, clickwrap, clobbered, clownishness, clubfoots, clytemnestra, cocaines, cocainism, cockatrice, cocooning, codger, colonic, combos, comers, complain, conchologist, conchology, concubine, condominiums, confessional, confucius, congressperson, congresspersons, consequentialisms, conservatives, conspiratorialists, contributory, coonasses, cooties, coprophiliac, copse, corkscrew, cornball, corndodger, corning, corpocracy, corticofugal, cossets, counteracted, counterprogramed, countersinking, coverall, crackhead, cranio, cranky, crapper, crapshoot, creepy, crewperson, criminalities, croc, crones, croquet, crossbones, crosswinds, crudites, crumpet, crybaby, cryptographer, cryptosporidiums, crypts, cuckoos, cuddled, cuisinart, curriculums, curving, cutlet, cybercultures, cybersex, cybersexes, cyborgs, cyclamate, cynocephaly, czarina, czars, dabbling, dadaism, daemon, dailyness, daliesque, damned, dancewears, dandies, darkling, deadweight, deadwoods, dealignments, deathtraps, debone, decapitated, defenestrates, defenestration, dehumanize, deices, delists, demagoging, demeaning, denuded, denuding, departeds, despotically, dethatcher, detritus, dexies, didymalgia, dieback, dilemmas, diminutions, dipshit, dipsticks, discography, disentangles, disestablishmentarianism, dishwashing, disinfected, disinvention, disseminating, dissing, distil, distills, divulging, dixie, dizzier, docudramatist, docutainment, docutainments, doff, dogfishes, doggerels, dognaps, dogrib, dogsbodies, dogtooths, dolphin, donkeyworks, doppelganger, dotcom, doubler, doublets, doubleword, douche, douches, douching, doughnuts, downers, downfall, downwardly, dragster, dragsters, drawknifes, dresden, druggies, drunks, druze, dryasdust, dublin, duck, dukw, dumbfounding, dumbos, dumfries, duplicity, dyscalculias, eavesdropping, echoey, ecomanagement, ecomanagements, edwardian, effluvium, egocentrism, egomaniac, egyptian, ehrlichiosis, eighths, einsteinium, eire, electorates, electrodeposit, electromagnetic, electronics, elephantine, elevens, elevenses, eleventh, emoticons, emotionalized, emptiness, enlistee, entrapping, envies, enviro, epee, ephebus, erasable, esses, establishmentarianism, etceteras, eunuches, euphorbias, everwhere, everwhich, everyman, evildoing, evilest, ewes, execrable, expediency, explicate, extramundane, extraterrestrials, eyesores, eyetooths, eyewears, factoids, fairwater, fairwaters, fallaciousness, falloff, falsettos, falsified, familiarly, fantabulous, farted, farthings, farting, fascistic, fatbacks, fatheads, fathering, faulknerian, faultlessly, faustus, fauteuils, featherbone, febrifuges, fecalith, feedback, fellini, felts, fentanyl, fermentation, ferries, festive, fetching, fezzes, fibroadenoma, fickly, fiddler, fiji, fingerspelling, finking, fishiness, fishtailing, fishwife, fishwives, fishy, fisticuffs, flacked, flak, flatten, flattened, flaunted, fleecy, flickable, flicked, flied, florally, fludrocortisones, flummoxing, flypasts, focusses, foehns, fondness, footballer, footfalls, footwear, forebrains, forecaster, foreheads, foreordained, foreshortens, forgo, fortunetellers, forwent, fossilization, foursomes, foxtrotted, fragged, framingham, francophobic, frankenfood, frankfurters, freebooter, freeboots, freethinkers, frenchification, fribbles, friendlier, frostbitten, frosting, frumpy, fubar, fuddle, fuguist, fulsomely, furriest, furth, futtocks, gabbing, gabbling, gaffers, galilaean, gamete, gammaglobulin, gammons, gangplanks, gangways, ganja, gargantuan, gargantuas, gaslights, gaspe, gatekeepers, gavarnie, gaydar, gayly, gazillions, geeing, geeks, genderized, genderlects, gentlefolk, germfree, ghosting, ghostly, giggling, gilded, girlish, glasgow, glaze, glazes, glibness, gliomas, glistered, gloater, globuliferous, gneiss, goatees, goatsucker, gobbledygooks, godfathering, godmothered, godmothers, godparents, goggle, goldbrick, goldeneye, goldwater, goner, goodly, goodman, goodmen, gotterdammerung, graf, grandfathering, grandpas, grasshoppers, gratuitousness, gravedigger, graywaters, green, greens, greensick, gregarious, greying, gribble, grimm, grindstones, groovy, groundnuts, groundsides, grumpy, gubernaculum, guidewords, guiltier, guinness, gulches, gumshoes, gunfights, gutbucket, gutbuckets, guttersnipe, guzzled, gynecocracy, hadrian, hadrianus, haggler, haircutter, haired, hallucinated, hallucinogenic, halyard, hamstrung, handax, handicappeds, handshakes, haoles, haplessly, harboring, hardscrabble, hardscrabbles, harrumphing, haruspex, harvests, hassidim, headaches, headbangers, headcheeses, headcounters, headlessness, headspace, headspaces, healthcare, hearth, heehaws, hellbender, hellbent, heller, hellishness, hells, hemipelvectomy, heppest, heraclitus, heroics, heroines, hertz, heterodox, heyerdahl, hijacker, hillsboro, hippiedom, hiroshima, hirsute, hispanophobia, hitchhike, hitlerite, hobo, hoed, hohokam, hollowness, homeboy, homegirls, homerically, homier, honeyeater, hoodoos, hooters, hoppergrasses, hornswoggle, horsed, horseflesh, horsefly, horseshits, hotfoot, hottentots, housecats, huitlacoches, humdinger, humpbacks, humuhumunukunukuapuaas, hunkpapas, hurricanes, husbanded, hushing, huzzah, hydrae, hydroplaning, hyperextend, hyperopic, icescape, ickily, ickiness, iconolatric, idealistically, igloos, immiserates, improviser, inbreathed, inconsequentialness, indecipherability, indecipherable, indricotheres, infibulating, infrared, infringed, infringing, ingush, innuits, insenescence, insouciant, intercoastal, interconnectible, intercutting, interface, interfaces, interject, internetworks, interrobangs, inventional, invisible, ipswich, irishry, ironicalness, jackbooted, jackboots, jacks, jacksonian, jacksonianism, jamboree, jammies, japans, jarlsberg, jetes, jetpack, jewfish, jewishly, jockstrap, jockstraps, jonnycakes, joule, journalistic, jovian, jpeg, juiciest, jujitsus, jungly, junkyards, kabbalistic, kabbalistically, kakas, kakistocracy, kalamazoo, kaleidoscopically, karadzic, keelhauled, kerplunk, kerplunks, keystroke, keywords, kickback, kidderminster, kiddush, kideos, killjoys, kilobit, kilts, kissable, kitschify, kitten, kleptomaniacal, kleptos, knackered, kneeboarding, kneeboards, kneehole, knockdown, knockers, kristallnacht, krumkakes, laboriousness, lactated, ladyloves, ladysfinger, lafitte, lamaze, lampooned, landscaper, lanugos, laodicea, lasses, latticeworks, laughline, layabouts, legginess, legwarmer, leper, leprechaunish, letterboxing, liberace, liberatingly, lickspittle, lickspittles, lightnings, limburger, limpopo, lincolnesque, linesmen, lineswoman, lineswomen, lintels, linux, lions, liposculptures, liposomes, liquidating, liquidator, lisle, listers, listserver, lithiums, littles, liverworts, liveryman, lobotomizing, lobstermen, logbook, logging, loiterer, londonderry, lookist, loonie, losers, lovemakings, loverly, lowball, lowlifes, loxoscelism, lubed, lumpenproletariat, lunchmeat, lyre, macdonald, macrolides, maestro, majorca, malarial, malcontents, manhandled, manhattanized, manliest, mann, mannerly, mapplethorpe, marches, marguerites, maritimer, marooning, masochistic, masquerading, mastheads, matchstick, matchups, maturations, mdewakanton, mdewakantons, meatoplasty, megalopolis, meister, meme, memorizing, menckenian, mendacities, menfolk, menopausal, mensches, mephisto, mephistophelean, mephistopheles, mephistophelian, meretricious, merkins, merrymakings, mersey, meshuggeneh, mesopotamia, metatag, metatarsals, methinks, mhos, microcredit, microfinance, microlending, microlendings, microphallus, microsleep, microsleeps, microwaving, middleweights, middling, mideastern, midwesterner, migrate, mikvah, milkiness, milksop, milksoppy, millennia, milquetoasts, milquetoasty, mindblower, minibars, minstrelsy, minutemen, minx, miracle, mirr, misanthropes, misnaming, mispickels, misprints, missis, moldering, mommies, mommy, monck, moneylenders, monogramming, monolithic, monotheistic, mons, moonier, moorhead, mormonism, mossbacked, mossbacks, motherwell, mountainside, mousing, mouthpart, mouthparts, muckraking, mudpuppies, muffling, muleskinners, multisynaptic, multisystemic, multitasking, multitaskings, muses, mustachio, muter, mutineer, mutinously, muttonheaded, mysteriously, nacred, nagasaki, nailbiter, nannies, nanofabrications, naptimes, narcodollar, nastiness, nautilus, nebulously, necrophilia, nectars, neotenous, nerds, netkeeper, neurobiologist, neurobiology, neurogenetics, newfoundlander, nietzsche, niggle, nightlong, nightscapes, nightwears, nimrods, nines, nippily, nippleworts, nirvanas, nisi, noes, noggin, noisemakers, nominative, nonbelievers, nonchalances, nonsmokers, nornicotines, notwithstanding, novitiate, nudeness, nudibranches, nudity, nudnick, nullifiers, nuthatches, nuts, nuttiest, nuttiness, oberammergau, oceanside, octagon, octothorpe, odometer, odors, oedipally, oersteds, offbeats, ogle, oholic, oklahoman, oldsquaws, olivenites, olivine, omnidirectional, oncet, onloads, onomatopoetically, oohs, oomphs, ooze, opticianry, orangey, orgastic, orgastically, orgiast, orleans, orodigitofacial, orwellian, oshkosh, ostracizing, otherworlds, ouagadougou, ouches, outercourses, outlaying, outlays, outlier, outliers, outposts, outputs, outthink, outthought, outthrusts, outwardly, overaggressively, overassessing, overbalancing, overcrops, overexpress, overexpressing, overfeed, overfished, overinclusive, overlays, overman, overnights, overselling, oversexed, overuse, overworks, oystercatcher, oystermen, ozarks, paczki, paedomorph, painkillers, pale, paleocortex, palpitating, pangrammatic, pangrams, panies, pantheistic, pantywaist, papergirls, paperhanging, parachutist, paralinguistically, paraplegia, parasailer, parasitogenic, parrots, partying, passagework, passalong, pasteurizes, pathfinder, paulist, paulownias, paybacks, payouts, peacenik, peaceniks, pegging, pentagons, pepperwoods, perceiver, petabytes, petered, petrifying, pettislips, pfluger, phallocentric, phalloplasty, phallotomy, phalluses, phantasmagorically, phat, philandering, philatelist, philosophers, phlegms, phlegmy, phorous, photovoltaic, phreaked, phreaking, phreaks, physiotypes, piddling, piecemeal, pieing, pillboxes, pimpmobiles, pine, pinkies, pinky, pipefittings, pipers, pips, piracy, pirated, pirates, piratical, piratically, pirating, pissants, pisser, pistes, pitchstone, pitchstones, pizzle, plaguing, planck, planetoids, plankton, plantagenet, plasters, plastique, plastiques, playa, playas, pleasured, plessy, plimsoll, plucks, plunks, plurality, pluripotential, poboys, pocketful, pocketfuls, poesies, poisons, pokerfaced, poleaxing, polylingual, polynesian, polyneural, ponying, pood, poofs, pooped, poorhouses, poormouthed, poormouthing, poors, poos, popper, porkpie, porks, porous, porphyric, portends, potheads, pothunters, potlatches, powwows, pralltriller, pralltrillers, pratfall, predate, predatorily, preschools, presley, presstime, preteenagers, pretty, prez, prezzes, priceyness, privateer, privateers, prizewinners, prizewinning, probing, proofed, propagandized, prophylactically, proselytizes, pseudohypoparathyroidism, psilocybins, psychobabble, psychobabbler, psychodramatist, psychokinetically, psychotic, pulchritudinous, pullout, pulverizing, punctilious, purchasability, purees, purloining, pushbuttons, pushups, pussyfooter, putdown, putdowns, pyle, pyrenees, pyrites, pythonesses, quacked, quakeproofed, quakeproofing, quartzite, quasimodo, quebec, quebecois, quicksilvers, quietudes, quizmasters, radiobroadcast, radiobroadcasts, rainouts, ralph, rambunctiousness, raper, rapscallion, rapscallions, rastafarian, ratatouille, ravages, readthrough, rebreathing, recklinghausen, reclusively, recto, recycling, redd, redly, redoes, redundancies, refs, refurbishment, regales, reincarnates, removeable, repairably, repetitions, reportable, repositories, reran, resuscitated, retakes, retooling, retributions, retrocursive, retrofire, retrofitted, retrorockets, retrotransposon, reuptakes, revivified, revivify, rewarding, rewire, rewriteable, rezeroing, rhumbas, ribbings, richly, richweeds, rifling, rightism, rightist, rimbaud, ringleader, roadkills, roast, rockers, rosemaries, rotorcraft, rotorcrafts, rotunda, roulettes, roundups, rrna, rubbernecked, rubberstamp, rubbery, rugalaches, ruminating, runway, ruthlessness, sabbath, sablefish, saddling, sadomasochist, sagaciousness, saggers, salinity, salting, samizdat, sandbagging, sandblindness, sandcastle, saucepot, sauropterygians, sawbones, sawboneses, saxophones, scandalousness, scarface, scarfing, scarfs, scarifies, scatterguns, schizo, schizos, schlimazels, schlockmeisters, schlubs, schnooks, schoolboys, schoolgirls, schoolmarm, scientisms, scintilla, scotophilia, scrawled, screeches, screws, scrooge, scroogie, seafaring, searchable, seborrhea, sebs, secures, seigniorage, semens, semiautonomously, semidocumentary, seminomads, semipublicly, semispherical, sensibilities, sephardim, sepulchers, serene, serf, serfdom, serialized, serpents, serviceman, sexdecillionth, sextuplication, shadowbox, shadowboxed, shadowboxing, shadowgraph, shakedown, shamen, shapewear, shavings, sheepish, sheepshanks, sheepshead, sheetings, shelterbelt, shepherding, sherlocks, sherwood, shes, shiite, shiitic, shipmate, shitheads, shitlist, shitlists, shittimwood, shittimwoods, shnook, shoeshine, shoshonean, showbiz, showstoppers, showstopping, shredders, shrewd, shutterbugs, shuttlecraft, shuttlecrafts, sibilant, sibyl, sidekicks, silken, silkweeds, silverrod, silverrods, simulcast, singlesticker, singlewides, singsong, sinhalese, sinkerballs, sinophilia, sinophobic, sissified, sixpences, sixteenths, skinies, skivvies, skorts, skywards, slain, slapp, slapsticks, slaves, slavocratic, sleepless, slept, sleuths, slickened, slickener, slights, slipshod, slipstreams, slithery, sloganeered, sloganeers, slop, slurped, smarted, smashup, smashups, smokeable, smokejumpers, smoldering, smooshes, snakeroot, snapped, snapshoots, snapshots, snarkier, snarky, sneezing, sniffable, snipes, snivelling, snivels, snobbish, snowbells, snowdrifts, soapboxing, soccerball, sociopath, sockdolager, softie, softies, soldiered, solomonic, songsters, sottedly, sottedness, soupspoons, spacey, spaghettis, spammed, spamming, spasticity, spatiotemporally, spazzed, spazzing, speakeasies, spectres, speechmakers, speechmaking, speedwriter, sperms, sphincteric, sphygmomanometer, spiffing, spigot, spillikins, spinmeisters, spiralling, spirograph, spirographic, splashguard, splices, splicing, spliff, splitsville, splurging, spoilsport, spondylo, spongiform, spongy, spoonerisms, spork, spreaders, sprechstimmes, spymasters, squashy, squeaker, squeezeboxes, squibs, squill, squinting, stack, stagecraft, stalinism, stalwartly, standup, stank, staplers, stardom, stargazing, starship, starships, stealth, steamiest, stickballer, stickhandler, stickhandling, stiffie, stillwater, stimuli, stinkball, stinkeroo, stinkhorn, stocks, stocky, stoloniferous, stonehenge, stoney, stops, storybook, straightens, straitjacketed, straws, streetwalker, stretchier, strindbergian, strolling, stumble, stupidities, stygian, subbed, subconferences, subluxation, submariners, submerges, subserviently, suck, sugarhouse, summercater, sunning, supercool, superdelegates, superduper, supererogates, superfine, superfluids, supergun, superriches, supersession, suwannee, swashing, swaying, swineherd, swiveling, swop, swordplay, symposiarches, symposiasts, synches, syncing, syndicates, synods, syntaxes, sysadmin, tagged, takeoff, tallyho, tallyhoing, tallying, tangoed, tangolike, tatterdemalion, tattled, taxable, taxon, tbilisi, teatime, teatimes, techie, teds, teensy, telegenically, teleprompter, telescope, telescoped, telescoping, teletheater, televisor, televisors, tenbagger, tents, terpsichoreans, terra, testier, testosterone, tetherballs, tgif, thatcher, theatricalisms, theatricality, thereabouts, thermomotors, thespian, thespians, thinness, thirteenth, thor, thrash, threesomes, thrice, throng, throughout, throwback, throwbacks, thunderclap, thwacked, ticced, tickers, ticqueur, tidewaiters, tightropes, tiglons, tigon, tilers, timbuktu, timepieces, timeserver, timeservers, tinderbox, tinfoil, tinkertoy, tintinnabulations, tipsters, titi, titterer, toastmasters, toenail, toenailed, togo, tomorrow, tomorrows, tomy, tonguefish, topiary, torquey, touchscreens, towhees, townies, trackwalkers, tractate, tradesman, traffics, trailblazer, trailsides, trajan, trance, transmitters, transubstantiated, travers, treacly, treeing, tremendous, triphibians, tripleheader, trisomic, triumphalist, trojan, tropicbird, tropistically, troths, trumpeting, tsar, tsars, tubers, tuff, tumblehomes, tummlers, tunesmiths, turboramjet, turboramjets, turds, turmeric, turtled, turtlehead, tutsi, twaddling, tweens, twelvemo, twerp, twofer, typo, ubiquitous, ufological, ufologist, ufos, uighur, uighurs, ultrahigh, ultraliberal, ultramontane, ultramundane, ultras, ultrasounds, ultrathin, umbilicus, umbrage, unbuilt, uncertainness, uncleless, uncompromisable, undecillion, underdoes, underdressed, underdressing, underemployed, underfur, undergrounding, underinsurance, underinsuring, underperformer, underperforming, underrepresent, underseas, undersecretaries, underseller, undersexed, undershorts, undertows, underwhelming, underworlds, undivided, undocumenteds, unguent, unhinged, unholiest, unionized, unitard, unkink, unkinking, unkinks, unlocked, unnilennium, unrelenting, unsayables, unthinks, untruthful, untwisted, ununbiums, upchucks, upgrades, upstroke, upticks, urethrae, urethralgia, urethrismus, urethrospasm, uselessness, usquebaughs, vacationed, vaccinologist, vagi, vamoosed, vamooses, vampiric, varicocele, vaudevillians, veda, veddah, veddahs, vegetally, vegetarian, velocipede, ventriloquistic, ventriloquys, vermicelli, vertiginous, vertiginousness, vicar, vichyssoise, vichyssoises, viciousness, victorianized, victorianizes, victorianizing, videoconferences, vietnamizing, viewership, violin, violinmaker, violinmakers, violins, violoncello, viridae, viticulturist, vivacity, vlissingen, voiceover, volleyballer, voodooist, vulcan, wackiness, waffles, wafflingly, wainscoting, wainscotting, waitlists, walkman, wank, wanked, wanking, wannabee, wannabes, warhorse, warlike, warpath, warriors, washeteria, washingtonian, washups, waterbuses, waterdogging, waterfinders, waxer, waxers, waxes, wazoos, weathered, webcasts, webpages, webworms, wedgies, weeklong, wellies, wench, wenching, werewolf, westings, wetness, wetter, whacking, whanging, wheezy, whereabouts, whiffles, whiffs, whiner, whiskered, whiteprints, whitey, whodunit, whodunits, wholesomest, whooshing, whorf, widebody, widgeon, wifely, wifi, wikis, williamson, windblasts, windmills, winemaking, winesap, wingmen, winker, wirepuller, wiseass, wolfed, wolfing, wonderworker, wonky, woodboring, woodcock, woodcrafter, woodcrafters, woodcrafting, woodenwares, woolgatherer, woolgathering, wordings, wormholes, wraparound, wraparounds, wrapper, wreathed, wristed, wunderkind, wysiwyg, xenotransplantations, xiph, xosas, yahvist, yahweh, yarmulke, yellowcakes, yellowknife, yellowlegs, yeoman, yhvh, yizkor, yottahertz, yuckiness, zabaglione, zagging, zaps, zebuszeds, zeptoseconds, zeroed, zeroth, zigging, zombi, zombies, zygodactyls, zygomycosis

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Banned (yet again) at

Must say, it wasn't unexpected (see last post). Besides the above mentioned infractions, finding flaws in the software Gary Stock uses to run his site will get you banned in quick time. But it does motivate him to fix his bugs.
The site checks to see if a googlewhack has been posted previously, but when you are submitting a googlewhack, clicking the submit button quickly multiple times escapes this detection and posts your googlewhack multiple times (again, see last post).
I often try to get myself banned on purpose, so I can't waste too much of my life posting googlewhacks. That way there is more time for my main pursuit: helping little old ladies cross the street.
Gary stock would be doing me a big favor if he'd just ban me permanently!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Having a Little Fun at

Can any of you get more than five of the same googlewhack to stack?

<---Whackmaster B