Friday, September 25, 2009

Who Would Like to Post This Great Googlewhack, fukien oholic, to

Having trouble coming up with a googlewhack? Here's a great on, gratis. But you'd better post it quick before someone else reading this blog beats you to it:

fukien oholic

Yup, hard to believe that it is googlewhack legal.

Pretty good huh? And it is legal. It only gives the required one google result when I searched it (if you search it on google, be sure to search it as +fukien +oholic else google will stem it into other words). The only way to fully test it is for me to post it on, which would then prohibit anyone else from using it.

On you are allowed to post your name or alias, plus you can input a phrase. I'm sure you can come up with a great phrase that suits this googlewhack. If not, here is a suggestion:

That Bill Clinton [or man/woman/name of your choice] is a sex addicted whore.

Your name as poster will be added to the whack stack and you can have your 15 microseconds of fame.

Have fun!

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